Dim Tiddles O Gwbl!


If anyone will  know the whereabouts of Bron’s missing moggie I’m sure it will be Big Tara.

Normally, I’d go straight to Aunty Tydfil, but she’s sunning herself down at Madonna’s chalet near Saundersfoot.

Tara used to work down at Babs’ Showbar and Grill, till the accident. And now makes her living as a traffic warden in Caerphilly, still claiming it was a set up, and that Babs herself put a real bullet in her Calamity Jane routine.  Who’d have thought her bullwhip skills would be so handy when dealing with Range Rovers outside Tescos?

Big Tara stands five foot one, in heels, and still wears a blond wig the size of Birmingham, which is a good thing, otherwise I’d never be able to spot her behind all those parked cars.

There she is!